What do you want to be?

To believe in a child is to believe in the future. Through their aspirations they will save the world. With their combined knowledge the turbulent seas of hate and injustice will be calmed. They will supply humanity with music and beauty as it has never known. They will endure. Towards these ends, WE pledge our live's work. WE will supply the children with tools and knowledge to overcome the obstacles. WE will pass on the wisdom of our years and temper it with patience. WE shall impact in each child the desire to fulfill his or her dream. WE, shall teach. - William Ward

Tuesday 30 August 2011

QCX 522 Assignment 2 by Jeanne

Reflection on Lesson Plan

When I was a student, I always thought that the teachers had the better end of the deal. They got to scold us, give us homework, and give us more homework. It took me awhile to realise that: Hey, if teacher gave us one page of assignment, his/her homework would be to grade the whole class's assignments. So if a class has 40 students that would mean that the teacher has 40 pages to go through.  The grass always seems greener on the other side until we really stop to consider things from their point of view.
When I first signed up with MOE, I heard lots of horror stories of how teachers have no life and no time as every waking moment is spent worrying about students, grading assignments and writing lesson plans. It seems that this horror story is true to a certain extent and would soon be unfolding for me. I also remember vividly how the interviewers at my teaching interview kept trying to dissuade me from joining MOE by telling me the harsh realities of what being a teacher entails. Well, I decided to just give it a shot. I do not have a night life anyway so the lack of that does not frazzle me much. Also, I really wanted to fulfil my childhood ambition of teaching, no matter how cliché that may sound.
My very first experience with the infamous lesson plan was during the Enhanced School Experience program. At Canberra Secondary School, every Tuesday morning is designated as what I call "upgrading" for teachers. Teachers, especially those who have been on courses, would take turns sharing their experiences and what they learnt. During my last 2 weeks there, the topic was on why it is important to write lesson plan and how to write them well. Teachers were split into our subject groups and asked to write a lesson plan, which we would then have to present and receive critique from other teachers. Sad to say, my time at Canberra was up before we really got down to the nitty gritty parts of lesson plan writing so I didn’t really glean much information.
At NIE, I found that lesson plan writing is a very big part of being a teacher or as what the tutors would say it differentiates a good teacher who puts in effort to a teacher who does not. During ICT lessons, we learnt about meaningful learning and the use of ICT tools to promote such meaningful learning.  The lesson plan is used to structure the lesson and to incorporate these dimensions of meaningful learning. It also differentiates a tuition teacher from a school teacher. Tuition teachers do not have to think of how best to engage their students or to incorporate ICT.
Lesson plans are important as it helps the teacher to get into the correct frame of mind when entering any class. Each class is different, with its own quirks, thus it is not wise to apply one way of teaching to all classes, especially if the classes are of different streams. Lesson plan allows you to think about the kind of students that the teacher has, and how she should frame the lesson to engage them and for them to absorb the lesson taught.
The first page of the lesson plan is what I call the summary.  You have to write about the class you are teaching, the lesson duration, what topics what will be covered, the materials you may need, and pre-lesson preparation. The most important part is the General Objectives (GO) and the Specific Instructional Objectives (SIO). The general objectives are the main outline of what you will be teaching. The specific objectives are what you hope that the students will learn at the end of that specific lesson. The main difference between the GO and the SIO is that the SIO has to be assessable. This means that you should use terms that show how it can be assessed for the SIO, such as list, define, classify, differentiate etc.
The main format of the lesson plan is not fixed and can be varied according to individual preferences. However, certain categories need to be in, such as time, duration, teaching and learning approaches and activities, resources, and the skills that will be taught.
Time and duration is for the teacher and the supervisors to keep track of time. It also helps the teachers to ensure that she is going at the correct pace and can complete her lesson on time. During planning, it also helps in structuring the lesson and in deciding how much time can be spent on each segment of the lesson.
Teaching and learning approaches and activities can be further split into teaching activities and student anticipated responses. It is good to anticipate how students might react to your activities and lessons so that you can pre-amp what they may do. For more disruptive classes, you can come up with alternative questions or activities to get them to respond or to listen to you. Thus lesson plans are specific to the classes and the topics taught and it is important that the teacher puts in thought into writing the lesson plans.
The first 5-10 minutes of the lesson should always be set aside for administrative matters and for the class to settle down. It is not realistic to go at the lesson from the start as students will also delay getting into their seats and getting ready for the lesson. The next 5-10 minutes should be spent on re-cap of the previous lesson. This is because students learn better when they are able to see and form links with what has been taught. Thus, going through a summary of what has been taught last week and linking it to the lesson this week would help students to be more interested and for them to see the importance in the lesson.
It is also important for the teacher to inform the students of the objectives of the lesson so that they will know what they are leaning for the lesson. Questions asked during the course of the lesson should also be targeted at fulfilling the SIOs of the lesson. AT the last 10 minutes of the lesson, or even in between lessons, the teacher should have summaries of what has been taught to reaffirm the lesson.
The lesson should also incorporate activities, such as quizzes, group work and games. This is to keep the students interested in the lesson. ICT tools should also be incorporated as much as possible as students will be more receptive to lessons with technological tools and it also helps them to become more efficient in such important tools. Group work is also useful as it can help inculcate Social and Emotional Learning in the students, such as relationship management and social awareness.
In conclusion, writing a lesson plan is not as easy as it may seem to be. We have to consider what we wish to teach and what we want the students to learn. From there, we need to find out the best way to teach and for them to learn. This takes time and practice, thus we have to constantly reflect on our lesson plans and to edit them and improve on them after every lesson. It is also an important tool for our supervisors to grade us and to see the effort that was put in by us. Thus, a well-written lesson plan is an important skill that should be practiced and mastered by every teacher.

Monday 29 August 2011

Jeanne: My first attempt at baking egg tarts!

I have to admit that I'm a total noob (a geek's term for novice) at baking, or even cooking for that matter. The only time i ever cooked was during Home Economics lessons in lower Secondary and wheni was living on exchange programs in USA and New Zealand. Even then, most of the cooking duties were shared between me and my roommate ( I was in  charge of cleaning the dishes and preparing the ingredients)!

When i was assigned baked products for F&N micro-teaching, the first thought that ran through my mind was, "I'm so dead." I couldnt believe my luck. Baking was one of my worst alomost non-existent cooking skills. But then i took it as a challenge to improve myself and a step to become a competent Home Economics teacher! Okay! Enough of my rambling and time to chart my battle with egg tarts!

Attempt 1:
I found this useful youtube video done by DessertzHouse so kudos to her!

Her recipe is as follows:

Ingredients for butter pastry
100g of salted butter
200g of plain flour
1 normal sized egg
50g of sugar

Stpes for making butter pastry:
Pre-heat the oven to 160 degrees celcius
1) Mix butter to the flour and sugar mixture.
2) Add egg and knead it into a dough. Place the dough in the fridge for 10 minutes.

3) Gently press the pastry into the moulds wth your two thumbs. Try to keep the bottom thin

4) Poke holes into the pastry with a fork.

Ingredients for egg filling:
100ml of water
80g of sugar
3 normal sized eggs
100ml of fresh milk

Method for egg custard:
5) Pour water into a saucepan and mix in sugar. Wait for sugar to melt.
6) When the sugar mixture has cooled, add in milk and eggs, beat and mix well.
7) Sieve the mixture to get a smooth egg filling.
8) Pour the egg custard into the pastry moulds.
9) Bake it in the oven at 160 degrees celcius for 15-20 minutes. The custard should not be wobbly when u take it out of the oven.


Picture 1: Failure!!

As you can see from the picture, I forgot to sieve the egg mixture before I poured it into the moulds. Oh well lesson learnt!
Picture 2: 2nd batch from recipe 1

This time I sieved the egg mixture before poruing it into the moulds! Success! My food tasters commted that the pastry was too biscuity. But the egg custard was good and not too sweet!
Attempt 2:
Next, I tried out another recipe from a bloggers website. One of my fellow classmates tried the recipe out thus she recommended it to me. I modified the recipe alittle.

Recipe taken form:

Ingredients for butter pastry:
125g of chilled Butter
60g of icing sugar
1/2 egg white
1 egg yolk
200g of plain flour
Ingredients for Egg Custard:
280g of fresh milk
160g of sugar
3 normal sized eggs

(1) For butter pastry: beat butter and icing sugar till well-mixed.
(2) Add in white and yolk and continue mixing.
(3) Add flour and mix into a dough. Rest for 10 mins in the fridge. Press dough into small tart moulds using your thumbs.
(4) Bake the tart shell till half-cooked. It should about 10 minutes at 175 degrees celsius.
(5) For egg custard, heat sugar and milk together. Turn off the heat once sugar dissolves.
(6) Lightly whisk eggs and pour into the milk mixture.
(7) Sift the egg custard mixture.
(8) Pour egg custard into the mould.
(9) Bake for 15-20 minutes. Monitor the tarts and remove from oven when it is no longer wobbly.


Picture 3
 This recipe made it harder to determine if the custards were cooked. Also, it required a longer time then if the tart and custard were baked together. This recipe also uses alot more sugar for the egg custard so it was too sweet. But the crust was better.
I will modify the recipe and combine the two recipes. I will try using the butter pastry recipe from recipe 2 and the egg custard recipe from recipe 1. Also, I felt that the egg tarts tasted better after it was cooled in the fridge. The proportion of the ingredients also need to be scaled down as I'll be making mini egg tarts and so less ingredients will be needed.

Another question I have is...Do I really have to bake the tart and the egg custard separately? It seems less of a hassle to do both together like in recipe 1 and it was easier to determine if the egg tarts were ready to be removed from the oven. Egg tarts from both recipes tasted just fine to me. However, the lecturers seemed to imply that i have to bake them separately...Hmmmm....

Alrighty! That is all for today. Will upload more pictures and a finalised recipe when I have tried it out. I also need to decide if i want to use the food processor to make the dough and if so what steps i would need to take.

PS. Do provide feedback on how i can improve the crust of my egg tarts and which egg tart looks better. Thanks!

Sunday 28 August 2011

Reflection on Lesson Plan

I have never encountered a lesson plan in my life, until I entered NIE. Critiquing a lesson plan seems to be an easy task, where most of the time, we pick out more mistakes than the good job done. However, this should not be the case as it is not a platform for us to pick on another person's mistakes only, but, to actually learn from them both- good and bad pointers.

1) Critiquing lesson plans allow me to set the kind of expectations I hope to achieve when writing one. I do not think I will ace on my first try, but I will definitely keep trying till I get better and be familiarize with it. Constant practices, exposures to lesson plans and also feedback from lecturers/supervisors will help me to write better.

2) When we spot mistakes in others' works, we should think of ways to correct the mistakes instead. Questions like, "Why was it put at such? What was the writer trying to imply? How can I make it better?" should be drilled in our minds. This is another way we can learn and do better as well.

3) Before writing my lesson plan, I need to be focus and construct my thoughts and ideas in a proper manner. This is to ensure the lesson is delivered smoothly, is well-organized and that the students will remember the important objectives of the lesson.

As a teacher, it is one thing to have good knowledge but a setback if our students fail to learn from us.  

3 Learning Points of Critiquing Lesson Plans

1) When we critique lesson plans, we can identify certain formats which different people use in their individual lesson plans. These may or may not be useful in terms of whether or not a certain input makes a lesson plan more wholesome and detailed which we can learn from.

2) Having to critique lesson plans, we learn that we may sometimes be too critical that we critique even the nitty grittiest things. This may be good and bad as we may not be able to live up to our own critiques and maintain the high standards that we had for other people's lesson plans.

3) As student teachers, critiquing lesson plans expose us to the various forms of lesson plans that there are. We can learn from there as we are inexperienced in doing these plans. Being exposed to different types of lesson plans help us identify a good and a bad one and we can learn how to make our own by looking at all the "must have" formats that has to be included into one.

In conclusion, critiquing lesson plans is a way of exposing us to many forms of good and bad lesson plans which we can greatly learn from.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Consumer Review: Neonmello

NeonMello(NM) is a local online retail fashion shop which uses LiveJournal platform to reach out to their customers. NM was set up in 2009 and have been popular among their fans for years now with their very own manufactured as well as imported outfits. NM sold apparels that cater to formal or casual occasions and apart from that, they also sold accessories and shoes. While shopping for outfit online, why not include some accessories to fit the whole outfit? Of course things are relatively easier when you can shop for outfit,accessories and even shoe from the same online shop!

Being a local online shop, NM offers affordable out fit which ranges from $20-$30! For all you know it is even cheaper than shopping "offline" as all the prices stated includes normal postage fee. You will not have to worry about not having enough time to go shopping as it will save you all the trouble, all you need is just a few minutes to place your order(s).If you are interested in the outfit, all you have to do is to leave a comment or email them.

NOTE: We mail out parcels on a daily basis as soon as your payments are verified; efficiency is our first key! 

NM believe efficiency therefore, they mail out parcels daily and fret not, your item will arrive soon before you even know it.Not only that, in NM when you purchases 2 item or more, you are entitled to $2 off from your bill. As a local retailer, NM only accept payment via POSB transfer in which as a customer, I believe that  they should include more payment options.

NM keep in touch with their customer via Livejournal, facebook, twitter as well as mailing list. Preview of the collections will be posted in their facebook page and for those who join their mailing list, they will receive a mail about it.Besides that, NM helps other online shop by posting some of their advertisement in their LivejournaL. In my perspective, this is a good platform to create good rapport with other retailer and they can get feedback as well improve their business concept.

Neonmello can be used in learning about textile and clothings because, in every of the outfit they sell, they would include the material used and measurement. In addition they provide guidelines on how to wash or handle the outfit.

Monday 22 August 2011

E- Learning Assignment by Azyan

Consumer Review: Love, Bonito

Love, Bonito is a local online retail fashion store. When it first started out 5 years ago, it was using the livejournal platform and was named BonitoChico. As years went by, this online blogshop grew and became more successful and they then ventured on into their own brand and domain, now called lovebonito.com just a year ago. Love, Bonito sells a wide selection of fashion apparels which also includes accessories and bags that caters to both the youth as well as young working adults. Love, Bonito also has lines of its own which they manufacture themselves such as Covet by Love Bonito as well as Basics by Love Bonito. Love, Bonito is now very successful that it has also been dubbed Asia's Largest Online Shopping Site.

Shopping is easy at this online retail outlet as shoppers only have to register once with all their mailing info and particulars before choosing items to be put into the cart. Once done with shopping, shoppers can check out and proceed with choosing their payment options. Love, Bonito accepts a wide range of payment options such as credit, paypal, ATM transfer as well as ibanking. Shoppers can also choose the type of mailing they want, be it Normal Mail or Registered Mail which is essentially a more secure option.

Love, Bonito also has various platforms where it connects with their loyal buyers such as through twitter and facebook and their blog. Through this, they are constantly interacting with their buyers. Previews are also shown on their facebook page a few days before a new collection is up. This helps a potential buyer to be able to think and consider their options before confirming their purchase. As it is such a popular site, items on the shop may sometimes be sold out in a matter of minutes into the opening of the collection. Therefore, this preview helps a buyer decide and think about their potential purchase beforehand. Their blog also provides updates on recent happenings and look books which can help buyers be able to visualise and mix and match their outfits with other things. Also, they provide fashion advices and information on how we can wear their clothes.

What I like about this site is that so far, it has never failed me and I have been receiving all my purchases in good conditions. Their service is top notch and prompt as well. They are also somewhat constant with their collection updates and launch times so that their shoppers know when to expect a new collection from them. Their owners are also very down to earth people as I met them during their exclusive warehouse sale recently.

This site can also be used to teach Clothing & Textile lessons as their clothes provide descriptions which include the material that it is made of as well as the measurements. From this, students can identify the different types of materials and make comparisons with the pricings of the clothes. They can infer whether or not clothes are worth the price stated and why the prices were stated that way. Knowing the different materials and its characteristics would help consumers as a whole make the right choice in buying clothes as they would know whether or not a certain material is suitable for a certain climate or function. Students can also learn money management skills as well as consumer rights. As the world becomes more IT savvy, online shopping is also on the rise. Students should know the risks involved in purchasing online and how to avoid disappointment and from being cheated.

LoveBonito.(NA).Love,Bonito.Retrieved on 22nd August 2011 from http://www.lovebonito.com/
Clicknetwork.tv.(2011). Hot Seat: Love, Bonito.Retrieved on 22nd August 2011 from http://www.clicknetwork.tv/watch.aspx?c=5&p=29&v=548

Saturday 20 August 2011

E-learning assignment by Nurul

Consumer Review of indiesin.com
Image 1: indiesin.com - Homepage

Image 2: indiesin.com - Main Selling Page

indiesin.com is a local online store that offers a wide range of fashion apparel and accessories to cater to the needs of both male and female teenagers and working adults. Indiesin promises "high fashion, at a zero cost", (1) where its goods are the most affordable you can get amongst other local stores. And what is fashion without accessories? The online store also features accessories from bangles to belts, bracelets, earrings and necklaces to mix-and-match with your desired look. While you’re at it, why not complete your look with the selection of bags and shoes.

As items are personally sourced out from overseas, indiesin has the liberty to pick and choose items of quality. This ensures consumers that they will be purchasing and receiving goods for the amount they paid for. Consumers need not worry about stained or rejected goods despite purchasing online. Any defects upon receiving your item, indiesin without any questions asked, will replace the defected item or refund your money if items goes out of stock, within 3 days from the receipt of the item. 

Image 3: Carting System

Shopping at indiesin is made easy with the carting system provided. Consumers can first browse all the items available in store and add items which they like but have yet to decide to purchase, into "Shopping Bag". Once they have finalized their purchases, they can "Check out" their orders for payment. Shipping method available for orders are via singpost, that is, normal or registered mails and payment methods that are accepted are internet or bank transfers and paypal. For added security with such payment methods, indiesin.com has also been issued a GeoTrust QuickSSL which gives consumers a piece of mind(2) when sending in their card details for payment.

To thank their loyal customers for their support, indiesin offers future incentives by launching the "Indiesin Diamond Points" Program. For every SGD$1 spent at indiesin, customers will earn 1 point. Points that have been accumulated can be used to pay for future purchases. 

Image 4: Facebook and Twitter Fan Page

Indiesin remains connected to their new and loyal customers through their facebook and twitter page. To be constantly in touch with updates, backorders or new launches of the month, or to simply say hi, add them up to your personal account. They are genuinely nice, they won't bite!

With this, my overall experiences with indiesin have been very pleasant and I have been a satisfied consumer of their online store. Not only are they affordable with designs that are up-to-date, shopping is made so convenient- just a click away.

How indiesin.com can be used for teaching C&T lessons

Image 5: Reading Tags

The downside of online purchases is that, the consumer is unable to feel the material and try the item on to see if it fits. Knowing how to read measurements and understanding the type of fabric used would be essential when making decisions. 

As seen above, indiesin included measurements (width, length and waist), material used and fit guide for the Kiki Polka Dotted Dress (Pink). This allows consumers to take measurements on their body and make reference to the measurements provided to see if the item fits. Understanding the different fabric used can allow consumers to choose material that will suit Singapore's humid weather. 

For instance, polyester has an outstanding characteristic to resist wrinkling and springs back into shape when creased. In addition, polyester washes and dries easily and quickly and has excellent wash-and-wear and minimum care characteristics. However, due to its low absorbency, stain removal can be a problem. Hence, this can be one detail, consumers should take note when wearing a polyester material. 

Chiffon would be an appropriate choice of fabric to wear in a humid weather like Singapore. This sheer fabric is light and thin hence it dries quickly and is comfortable to wear. It also gives a beautiful drape when worn, hence accentuating one's appearance.

Image 6: Care instructions

It is also essential for consumers to be able to read care instructions of a certain garment or apparels. The size, where it is made, registered identification number, style number, type of fabric and care instructions are usually provided by the manufacturer and can be found on the garment itself. Proper handling and storing of garments between uses can extend their life and keep them at looking at their best. The Care Labeling Rule requires clothing manufacturers and importers to provide at least one satisfactory method of care necessary for the ordinary use of the garment. The label must also provide warnings against the use of any method which the consumer can reasonably expect to use that would harm the product. (3)

Apart from measurements, materials used and care instructions to make informed decisions; we as educators need to reinforce the differences between needs and wants to our students. Students may not have the means to make frequent purchases; hence, it is important that they understand and practices budgeting so that they will not misuse their allowances. It is one thing to look good and be broke another. These are essential life skills that we need to foster so that they can take them with and be responsible adults.


(1) Indiesin. (2011). Indiesin - high fashion at zero cost. Retrieved August 21, 2011, from Indiesin: http://www.indiesin.com/

(2) Geotrust. (2011). SSL Certificates froma Leading SSL Certificate Authority- Geo Trust. Retrieved August 21, 2011, from: Geotrust: http://www.geotrust.com

(3) Fabric Link - Fabric Care Centre. (2010). How to read a label. Retrieved August 21, 2011, from: http://www.fabriclink.com/care/CLabel.cfm

    QCX 522 Assignment 1 by Jeanne

    Consumer Review of  www.agneselle.com
    Image 1: Home Page of Agneselle.com
    Agneselle.com (or AE as fans call it) is a local online shop started in 2007. AE started out as a livejournal shop, where they sold apparel sourced from various local wholesalers. Over the years, they gradually moved on to manufacturing their own designs. The move to a dot.com website has also made online shopping easier. Gone are the days when customers need to leave a comment on the livejournal page to indicate the items they wish to purchase and their email address for contact purposes. Commenting may also not secure you an item as it is sold on a first-to-comment basis. Thus many a times, customers spent the whole night waiting for an invoice that may never come. With the new website, customers cart out their items and invoices are automatically sent to the email address indicated by them. They also have more modes of payment now, by internet banking, credit card payment, or Paypal.
    Image 2: H&M inspired Bow Top in Jewel Green
    All the apparels are "designed" by the owners. While they are not actual fashion design designs, they get their inspirations from other more established overseas shops and designers, such as Victoria Secrets, ASOS, Lipsy, Chanel and many more.  While some may call it uncreative or even theft of intellectual property, I feel that we should not be so quick to judge. The apparels are not carbon copies of those that you may find on international fashion shows, but similar ones that have been tweaked for the Asian women.  In this way, AE brings to the local females an Asian version of a designer apparel that is suitable for us and yet at a very affordable price.
    The prices of the clothes and accessories sold at AE ranges from $11 for a simple leather belt to $39 for a blazer. Prices are kept affordable to appeal to the working adults and the young teenagers who may not have a bottomless wallet. As online shops need not pay overhead bills required by a brick-and-mortar shop, the savings are translated to cheaper prices for the customers.
    AE launches about once every fortnight with at least 5 different apparels in the collection ranging from work wear to casual wear. Each item may then come in 3-4 colors for the customers to choose from. Sizes may also be available, especially for skirts, work dresses and blouses which require a better fitting. Currently, AE offers sizes S and M only and thus their clothing only fits girls who are a uk 4-8. Every once in awhile, AE would also launch belts, shoes and bags to compliment the apparels sold at their website.
    AE has accumulated a many fans over the years. Fans of the shop would "camp" at the website at the start of the launch to furiously click and cart-out the items which they wish to purchase. This means that the items get sold out very fast and leaves many potential buyers who didn’t get to purchase frustrated. AE overcomes this problem by opening Back Orders for items which were sold out. Customers can choose to wait 1-2 months for the factories to manufacture the items again.
    To become a successful online shopping website, the personal touch cannot be ignored. Good customer service is expected from these shops. Trust needs to be built up between customers and the shop as there is a leap of faith required by the customers when they purchase things by looking at pictures on the website. AE does this by being friendly in their emails, providing correct measurements of the apparels, putting up many pictures of how the item looks from different angles, and answering any queries from the customers. The owners even created Formspring accounts so that customers can post questions for them to answer.
    Of course there is a downside to shopping on AE. Besides the small sizes which alienate the bigger girls, the fitting may also be a problem. As the items are manufactured based on AE's owners' sizes, people who do not have their body shape may not look as good in the apparel as the model in the pictures. Alteration is not provided or subsidized by AE unlike brick-and-mortar shops. Also, the quality of the material may not be up to expectations since photos are unable to tell us what the actual quality of the item is. Shipping may also be a problem as sometimes the parcels get lost in transit and neither Singpost nor AE will take responsibility for the items if you had chosen normal mailing.
    Overall, I feel that AE is one of the better local online shopping websites. I can trust them to deliver my items to me and the fitting is good on me. The quality of the items has been mostly satisfactory so far.  Also, the variety and convenience of being able to shop with the mere click of buttons overrides any negative points about AE.
    How Agneselle.com Can be Used for Teaching C&T Lessons
    Image 3: Sleeveless Bow Top and its component fabrics
    AE's website can be used to teach students about the different types of fabric used in the making of clothes. For each item launched, AE would state the material of the item.  For example, as seen in image 3, the Sleeveless Bow Top is made from chiffon and polyester. The students can then learn about the components of each type of fabric and why certain fabrics are suitable for a particular type of clothing. For example, chiffon is seen as soft and dreamy so it is commonly used to make party gowns (Chiffon (fabric), 2011). Knowing about the components of each fabric is important as different fabrics require different handling methods. Using chiffon as an example, it frays easily when and extra care needs to be taken when storing or wearing of such fabrics.  
    Based on the type of fabric used to make particular clothing, students can also learnt to gauge the price of an item. Students will be taught about the cost that and effort that goes into making a particular type of fabric. For example, if a dress is made of silk, then you would expect it to be of higher price than a dress made from cotton. From this, students can then determine if that particular clothing is worth buying for the price quoted by the shop.

    Image 4: Scallop Bandage Skirt in black
    Students can be taught what types of clothing would suit each body shape. For example, the Scallop Bandage Skirt in image 4 would suit a slim girl with relatively flat buttocks as it is body hugging and would create the illusion of curves (Ash, 2010). They can also be taught how to match and match clothing to look presentable and fashionable. This means that teachers would have to follow the latest trends and adapt them to suit age group of the students. For example, a loose blouse can be paired with the bandage skirt. A tight-fitting blouse would not be recommended as the outfit would seem to tight not much is left to the imagination.
    Different occasions call for different types of dressing. For a presentation, you would be expected to dress in formal attire, which usually comprises of a fitting knee-length skirt with a white blouse and a blazer. Students can be taught the type to clothing to wear for different occasions by looking at the outfits pout together on the website and determining if the outfit is suitable for formal or casual events. Using the outfit in image 4 should be seen as casual and what they can wear on a weekend out with friends. The skirt is too short to be used for formal occasions and students should be told of what kind of clothing would suit a formal situation to prepare them for such situations that they would inevitably face in the future.
    Students should be taught how to care for their clothes. The most important thing that they should learn is how to read the labels on their clothes. Labels would usually state the size, the country of manufacture, types of fabrics used, as well as washing and ironing instructions. By learning how to decipher the instructions on the labels, students can then take better care of their clothes so that they last longer. However, for clothes bought from online shops such as Agneselle, there is usually no such care label on the clothing. But it would still be good for students to get a general idea of how the washing instructions that are recommended for certain fabrics. For example, a blouse made from chiffon should be hand washed as the fabric is delicate and may not last fray if thrown into the washing machine for washing.
    I think it would also be good to teach students about money management and consumer rights. Agneselle and other local online shops launch quite frequently this may tempt students to buy items which they may not need. Students usually have low-spending power and they should not spend all of their money shopping online. Some students may also skip meals so as to save up enough money to buy things from online shops. Thus it is important to teach students about budgeting and deciding if the item they wish to buy is a need or a want. Consumer rights are also important as students should be told of their rights as a paying customer. If the quality of the clothing is not up to expectations or what is shown on the website, students should know that they have a right to have the item exchanged or to get a refund. This would ensure that students do not get cheated while shopping online.  They should also be informed of how they should go about getting their complaints heard. In the case of Agneselle, customers can write in to the owners via the "Contact Us" tab. They can also air their grievances though online forums to alert and warn other people who may want to buy from that particular website. 


    Agneselle. (2011). Agneselle. Retrieved August 20, 2011, from Agneselle: http://www.agneselle.com/
    All images taken from http://www.agneselle.com/
    Ash, A. (2010, August 23). Skirt styles to best suit different body shapes . Retrieved August 20, 2011, from Helium: http://www.helium.com/items/1930858-which-skirt-style-best-suits-your-body
    Chiffon (fabric). (2011, August 15). Retrieved August 20, 2011, from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiffon_%28fabric%29