What do you want to be?

To believe in a child is to believe in the future. Through their aspirations they will save the world. With their combined knowledge the turbulent seas of hate and injustice will be calmed. They will supply humanity with music and beauty as it has never known. They will endure. Towards these ends, WE pledge our live's work. WE will supply the children with tools and knowledge to overcome the obstacles. WE will pass on the wisdom of our years and temper it with patience. WE shall impact in each child the desire to fulfill his or her dream. WE, shall teach. - William Ward

Saturday 24 September 2011

A Royal Tea Party.

Our group's microteaching is over! And I think we've learnt so much from it. My expectations of it was indeed very different from the outcome of it. Firstly, nerves got to me. Secondly, my cookies for demo got burnt. Thirdly, unexpected situations in the classroom which I prayed didnt happen, happened.

As a reflection of the entire experience, I really feel that I've got so much more to learn as to how to manage the class well and also having to deal with unexpected situations. During my lesson, one pair had their cookie mixture too crumbly a consistency which resulted in the cookie not forming properly. While I had hoped that everyone would have a 100% success rate with that recipe, the unexpected still happened. I felt that the students would already have known how to cream the mixture well since they just learnt it a mere week ago and thus, I didnt do a demo on that. I sort of "tapped" on their supposed prior knowledge and I just assumed they knew. Another incident in class, was that a student got her hand scalded by hot water. Amidst all the nerves, the chaos in class and the mess, it was still an urgent issue to deal with.

I guess this depicts and relates well to a real class context whereby these are real issues that may occur. Especially so, when we do go out to schools, we are dealing with children of a younger age group than the people we dealt with during microteaching. More issues are bound to surface and it's a matter of management and problem-solving and quick thinking that has to be at the back of our minds while conducting a class.

For now, enjoy the pictures below!


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